Tim Duffy is the owner of Duffy's Outdoor, a landscape company dedicated to intelligent landscape solutions that meet the demands of St. Louis residents. In these articles, Duffy explains the differences between landscaping and hardscaping, and shows how landscapers go about planning big projects that improve properties tenfold.
The Importance of Retaining Walls
These incredible examples of hardscaping will help you understand how retaining walls can change your yard for the better.
What's the Difference Between Hardscaping and Landscaping?
It may sound like a funny term, but hardscaping is a serious construction practice that alters a property in ways completely different than landscaping. Find out all the details right here.
Planning a Big Landscaping Project in St. Louis
Learn about the steps that must be taken to make a big job happen. It takes coordination, control, and a mastery of materials.
What Makes Landscaping in St. Louis Unique?
It's a big country we live in. And St. Louis is a particularly special place to be a landscaper.
All About St. Louis Landscaping
Landscaping shapes properties-and it therefore shapes cities. Learn about the different places where landscaping comes into play.